Patent number | 202330551950.3 |
Utility model | 202322401945.1 |
Master control | First to adopt Qualcomm Snapdragon SM6225 high-end master control |
Memory | 4G+64G |
Architecture | 6 nanometer architecture, faster than the 11 nanometer speed of the 6125 on the market, with less heat generation, and a CPU of 4 x A73@2.4GHz 4 x A53@19GHz 8-core master control |
Note | 25W+is more than 25% higher than the 6125 main control on the market |
Screen | 5.5 inch 1920 * 1080 full HD ultra high brightness screen |
Function | Real time navigation, carplay, Hicar, front and rear dual recording, optional with blind spot monitoring |
Housing | The front shell is made of aviation aluminum CNC processing, providing better heat dissipation |
Installation method | Non destructive installation of the Aobenma password bracket, a truly wiring free host |
Characteristic | The Aobenma password bracket is powered on, making installation more convenient and concise |